Post brew we headed for Gronant beach and weren't disappointed; several adult Little Terns and three fledged juvs were present and a pair of Ringed Plovers with three nearly fledged juvs occupied an attractive section of beach. A couple of passing Sandwich Terns and offshore bobbing Grey Seals were also noted.
Adult Little Tern. Gronant beach
Juvenile Little Tern. Gronant beach
Ringed Plover (above), Juvenile Ringed Plover (left)
& Sea Holly (right), Gronant beach
After Gronant we wandered over to the RSPB reserve at Burton Mere. I've not been for a while and was impressed by the new visitor reception, trails and hides. Top work RSPB. Plenty to see during our brief visit; c.20 Little Egrets, two Spotted Redshanks, c.35 Black-tailed Godwits, six Avocets, two Common Terns and c. 40 Teal. A chat with a couple of folk tempted us back to Frodsham, we'd missed a Spoonbill and the BBS had cleared off and taken most of it's wader pals with it. A pair of Ruddy Shelducks were present though and had been identified as a Ruddy Shelduck and it's hybrid pal. Looked like a pair of Ruddy Shelducks to me, a male and the female in worn, pre moult plumage, hence it's very pale head (which I've seen many times in this species); happy to be proved wrong (no, honestly!) but no good reason so far as I could see why they aren't a pair of Ruddy Shelducks.
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